The British DX Club

An Introduction

What Does BDXC-UK Cover?

The club covers all aspects of broadcast DXing - from searching out distant or difficult-to-hear radio stations to listening to the major international broadcasters - on the shortwave, mediumwave and VHF/FM bands. We also have in-depth coverage of UK domestic radio developments as well as reports on alternative ways of listening to the radio such as through the internet and digital modes inclulding DRM and DAB.

Who Should Join?

An interest in radio is the only qualification. We welcome members of all ages, newcomers to the hobby and professional monitors alike.


The club was founded in 1974 as the Twickenham DX Club and celebraed its 45th anniversary in 2019. From local roots came rapid expansion to become one of the major radio clubs in the United Kingdom. The more appropriate title of British DX Club was adopted in 1979. We now have a large UK-based membership as well as a substantial number of overseas members.


BDXC is run by a board and editorial team, all of whom are unpaid volunteers.


"Communication" is BDXC's monthly publication, typically of around 60 pages. The club is proud of the quick turnround of "Communication" which is normally sent to members within a week of the contribution deadline each month. It is available by post as a handy A5 booklet, or by e-mail as a pdf file. Regular sections include:

E-mail News Service

Members with access to an e-mail address can take advantage of our free e-mail news service. Launched in 1997 this service is proving very popular with members for exchanging hot dx news and listening tips.

Radio Stations in the UK and Ireland

Published biennally by the club, 'Radio Stations in the UK and Ireland' is a comprehensive directory of British and Irish mediumwave and FM radio radio stations including BBC, RTE, commercial, community radio, Low Power AM/FM stations and long term RSL stations. It gives frequencies and web sites, transmitter powers and site, etc. Stations are listed both by frequency and in A-Z order showing all the parallel channels. For full information on the latest edition please click here.

BDXC Audio Circle

For many decades, in addition to Communication, the club has produced a regular audio programme for members. A dedicated team takes it in turn to present around 70 minutes of audio material. It includes audio contributions from club members and usually features a variety of interesting DX catches, radio-related conversation and archive material - in fact, the club's very own interactive DX programme. It is issued occasionally and is available to club members as an mp3 download.

Social Events

Want to meet fellow enthusiasts? Regular meetings are held in Reading, Berkshire. We also have a summer meeting and occasional DX gatherings elsewhere. Events are publicised on the Diary page and in 'Communication'.

Other Services

How to Join

If you would like further information about the British DX Club or any of our services please send an e-mail to bdxc[at] ** or write (including return postage) to:

British DX Club, 10 Hemdean Hill, Caversham, Reading RG4 7SB, United Kingdom.

A recent sample copy of 'Communication' is available on request by post or to see a sample copy in pdf format please click here.

To download an application form please click here.

We hope to be welcoming you to BDXC soon!

BDXC Privacy Policy

BDXC will fully protect and respect your privacy and personal data. Our Privacy Statement can be found here.

** When sending an email [at] should be replaced with the @ symbol. Email addresses are shown this way on our web site to deter spam.

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Updated: 23 Feb 2021