MONDAY 0030 WRMI “World of Radio”: 7780 0125 R Havana Cuba “Mailbag”: 6000‡ 0230 WRN NAm: “World of Radio” 0230 WRMI “Wavescan”: 5800 5850 0300 WRMI “On the Media”: 9395 0325v R Havana Cuba “Mailbag”: 6000‡ 0330 WRMI “On the Media”: 9395 0350 BBCWS “Over to You”: UK DAB 198LW 0400v WBCQ (Area 51) “World of Radio”: 6160 0420v V of Turkey “Letterbox”: 6125 7285 0525v R Havana Cuba “Mailbag”: 6000‡ 0800 WRMI “SW Radiogram”: 5850 0900 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 6160 0930 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 6160 1240 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox": 15460 21470 1315 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 15770 1415 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 1500 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 1840 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox": 11630drm 2000 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 3975 2000 WRMI “On the Media”: 15770 2030 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 3975 2200 WRMI “On the Media”: 9395 2300 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 2340 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox": 7220 9620 TUESDAY 0000 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 9395 0030 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7780 0100 WRMI “Wavescan”: 5850 0130 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 5010 0140 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox": 7325 0145 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 5850 0330 WRMI “World of Radio”: 7780 0440 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox": 9510 15250drm 1130 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 15770 1400 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9955 1430 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 9955 1500 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9955 1640 R Taiwan Int “Status Update”: 9405 2030 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7730 2032 BBCWS “Tech Life”: UK DAB 1413sla 2100 IRRS “World of Radio”: 1323-Italy 2230 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 WEDNESDAY 0000 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 9395 0000 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 3975 0030 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 3975 0030 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9395 0130 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9395 0145 WRMI “CQ Calling”: 5850 0800 WRMI “Hobart Radio Int”: 5850 1300 WRMI “Wavescan”: 15770 1330 WRMI “SW Radiogram”: 15770 (digital) 1430 WRMI “CQ Calling”: 9955 1600 BBC R4 "The Media Show": 198LW FM DAB 1600 WRMI “On the Media”: 15770 1645 R Taiwan Int “Status Update”: 9405 (repeat) 2000 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 3975 2030v R Havana “Mailbag”: 15140‡ 2030 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 3975 2030 WWCR “Ask WWCR”: 15825 2030 WRMI “Wavescan”: 15770 2200 WBCQ “World of Radio”: 7490 2200 WRMI “On the Media”: 9955 2330 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 THURSDAY 0006 BBCWS “The Media Show”: 5980sla 6035tac 0030 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7780 9395 0130v R Havana Cuba “Mailbag”: 6000‡ 0130 WRMI “World of Radio”: 5010 0230 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 0330v R Havana Cuba “Mailbag”: 6000‡ 0530v R Havana Cuba “Mailbag”: 6000‡ 0800 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 5850 0815 WRMI “CQ Calling”: 5850 1006 BBCWS “The Media Show”: UK DAB 9580pht 1430 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 9955 1500 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 1530 BBC R4 “Feedback”: DAB FM 198LW 1700 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 3975 1730 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 3975 2000 BBC R4 “The Media Show”: DAB FM 198LW 2015 WRMI “CQ Calling”: 15770 2045 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 15770 2100 WRMI “On the Media”: 15770 2215 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 9955 2230 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 FRIDAY 0006 BBCWS “The Media Show”: UK DAB 0030 WINB “SW Radiogram”: 9265 (digital) 0030 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 7780 0045 WRMI “CQ Calling”: 7780 0100 WRMI “Wavescan”: 5850 0115 WRMI “CQ Calling”: 9955 0130 WRMI “Wavescan”: 5010 0215 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 9955 0232 BBCWS “Tech Life”: UKDAB 198LW 1413sla 0500 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7780 0530 WRMI “SW Radiogram”; 7780 (digital) 1300 WRMI “World of Radio”: 15770 1400 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 1500 WRMI “Wavescan”: 15770 2100 IRRS Italy “Wavescan”: MW 1323 2115 WRMI “CQ Calling”: 15770 2130 IRRS Italy “World of Radio”: MW 1323 2300 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9955 2300 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 3975 2330 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 3975 SATURDAY 0100 WBCQ “Allan & Angela Worldwide”: 3265 5130 6160 7490 0130 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9395 0330 WINB “SW Radiogram”: 9265 0400 WTWW “World of Radio”: 5085 0530 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7780 0800 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 5850 0930 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9455 (7730alt) 0950 BBCWS “Over to You”: UK DAB 1130 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 15770 1130 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 1240 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox": 15460 21470 1230 WRMI “Wavescan”: 5850 1400 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 1500 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 6160 1530 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 6160 1700 WRN NAm/Eu: Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio” 1800 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 3975 1830 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 3975 1840 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox": 11630drm 2015 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7730 2030 WRN NAm: “World of Radio” 2100 WRN Eu: “World of Radio” 2115 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 15770 2300 WRMI “Wavescan”: 5950 2300 WRMI “SW Radiogram”: 7570‡ 7780 (digital) 2340 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag": 7220 9620 2345 WRMI “Wavescan”: 5950 SUNDAY 0000 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7780 0100 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9955 0140 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox": 7325 0200 WBCQ “Shortwave Saturday Night”: 7490v 0215 WRMI “CQ Calling”: 5800 0230 WRN NAm: “Wavescan” 9395 0330 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7780 0400 WWCR “Ask WWCR”: 4840 0430 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9395 9455 15770 0440 R Romania Int "DX Mailbag” or “Listeners Letterbox”: 9510 15250drm 0550 BBCWS “Over to You”: 7285asc 9410asc 17690dha 0700 V of Hope Zambia “Wavescan”: 9680 0815 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 5850 0930 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9455 (7730alt) 1045 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 5850 1045 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 4840 1130 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9955 1215 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 9955 1232 BBCWS “Tech Life”: 12030sla 15295sla 1330 WRN Eu: “World of Radio” 1345 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 9955 1350v V of Turkey "Letterbox": 13635 1430 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9955 1530 WRMI “Radiogram”: 9955 (digital) 1550v IRIB/VIRI Iran “Listeners Special”: 9650 1600 KTWR Guam “DXers Diary”: 15390drm 1750v V of Turkey "Letterbox": 9660 1800 V of Hope Zambia “Wavescan”: 4965 1950v V of Turkey "Letterbox": 6050 1950v IRIB/VIRI “Listeners Special”: 11880 2000 IRRS Italy “World of Radio”: MW 1323 2002 BBC R4 “Feedback”: 198LW FM DAB (seasonal) 2025v R Havana Cuba “Mailbag”: 15140‡ 2030 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 7730 2030 WRMI “Wavescan”: 15770 2100 WRN Eu: “World of Radio” 2130 IRRS Italy “Wavescan”: MW 1323 2150v V of Turkey "Letterbox": 9610 2200 SW Radio “CQ Serenade”: 3975 2230 WRMI “Wavescan”: 15770 2230 SW Radio “World of Radio”: 3975 2300 WRMI “Wavescan”: 7570‡ 7780 2320v V of Turkey "Letterbox": 5960 2330 WRMI “Wavescan”: 9395 9955 2330 WRMI “World of Radio”: 7570‡ 7780 2350 BBCWS “Over to You”: UK DAB 11645pht WEB SITES Web sites for Media programmes: most of these have archived audio Ask WWCR: BBC R4 Feedback: BBC World Service “Over to You”: BBC World Service “Tech Life”: Hobart Radio Int “DX Extra”: [archive] RAE Argentina “DX Supplement” R France Int “The Sound Kitchen”: Shortwave Radiogram: Flirt FM (Ireland) “Wireless”: [archive] Wavescan: WNYC “On the Media”: World of Radio: WRMI: GUIDE TO DX PROGRAMMES - NOTES All times in UTC / GMT v = variable frequency or time. ‡ = inactive at time of publication The timing of some broadcasts, especially programmes carried on WRMI, is subject to change. With the loss of a number of more traditional DX programmes in recent years the emphasis of this list has gradually changed to include more mailbag or listener feedback programmes which may be of general interest. This includes programmes such as “Listeners Letterbox” on Radio Romania International, “Viva Miami” on WRMI and “Over to You” on BBCWS NB Programmes are listed to all target areas, so reception of individual broadcasts will depend on where you live.** When sending an email [at] should be replaced with the @ symbol. Email addresses are shown this way on our web site to deter spam.