British DX Club

DX Diary

Dates for your Diary

Thursday 13 February 2025: Unesco World Radio Day This year's celebrates the many opportunities that radio broadcasting brings for giving prominence to climate change issues.

Friday 21 February 2025: Radio Amrum Annual shortwave broadcast from Radio Amrum (Oomrang), German North Frisian Islands, in Frisian, German and English. 1600-1700 UTC on 15215 kHz via Issoudun.

April/May 2025 - Date TBC: Reading International Radio Group at Reading International Solidarity Centre, 35-39 London Street, Reading RG1 5PS. 1430-1700 GMT. There will be a talk and video presentation as well as a break for teas/coffees and time for informal chat. The meeting is open to non-members as well as members. Access to the meeting rooms is via passage at side of building just past the RISC World Shop. Nearest public car park is Queens Road, RG1 4PX. .

Saturday 21 June 2025: at 2130-2200 UTC. BBC World Service annual mid-winter broadcast to Antarctica for British Antarctic Survey staff working at UK bases on Antarctica's midwinter's day. Frequencies in 2023 were: 9585-Woofferton (UK), 9870-Ascension Island, 11685-Woofferton (UK). A slightly shorter version may also be carried on some BBC World Service English streams. .

July 2025: BDXC Twickenham DX meeting . Annual summer meeting for BDXC members. Date TBC.

24 December 2025: NDR Gruss an Bord. Annual Christmas Eve broadcast to German seafarers around the world. Schedule in 2024 was 1800-2100 UTC on 6030-Issoudun, 6080-Tashkent, 9635-Moosbrunn, 11650-Issoudun, 13830-Nauen, 15770-WRMI.

Amateur Radio Rallies

These are held around the UK throughout the year. A full list of rallies and other amateur radio events may be found on the RSGB web site

Meteor Showers in 2025

For the specialist VHF DXer, a list of key dates for when the meteor showers will peak during 2025 (*minor meteor showers only):

Name of shower Peaking date
Quadrantids 4 January
Lyrids 22 April
Eta Aquarids 5 May
Delta Aquarids* 30 July
Perseids 12 August
Draconids* 8 October
Taurids* (Southern) 10 October
Orionids 22 October
Taurids* (Northern) 12 November
Leonids 17 November
Geminids 14 December
Ursids* 22 December

Regular DX Meetings

The following meetings are held regularly. Feel free to go along and enjoy the chance to meet fellow radio enthusiasts! Details of the dates of future meetings are in the next section.

Red PinReading DX Meeting - going strong for over 40 years!

These meetings of the Reading International Radio Group have been held regularly since 1976 and are still proving to be very popular. Since February 2005 the meetings have been held in the meeting rooms at the Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), 35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS. RISC has a shop (The World Shop) in London Street, the meeting rooms are at the back, the entrance is via a small passage just beyond the RISC shop - or ask for directions in the shop. The meeting itself starts at 1430 and lasts about two and a half hours (including a break for refreshments). The meeting is followed by an optional drink at a nearby pub and a curry at a local Indian restaurant. For anyone attending the meeting by car the nearest car park is Queen's Road. By rail, London Street is approx 12 minutes walk from Reading station. It is just south of the main town centre. Further details from Ian Kelly e-mail - tropical [at] ** RISC has a web site including directions (see "Where Are We?") at

Red PinTwickenham Summer DX Meeting

A Saturday in mid Summer has become a firm favourite event on the BDXC calendar. A lazy summer afternoon by the Thames supping a pint and chatting about anything and everything - though naturally radio is top of the agenda! - is the prospect and for those that wish to do so an Indian meal at a nearby restaurant follows at about 7pm. If you want to come to the meal please be sure to let us know well in advance so that we can book a place for you.

Photo taken at our Twickenham DX meeting on 29 June 2013 (left to right: Gareth Foster, Alan Roe, Mark Savage, Mike Barraclough, Colin Ferris, Mike Terry, Dave Kenny, Chris Greenway, Stephen Howie, Darren Rozier, Michael Blake, Sergej Rogov, Chrissy Brand, Alan Pennington).

Photo taken by the River Thames at our Twickenham DX meeting on 19 June 2010 (left to right: Merub Greenway, Chris Greenway, Darren Rozier, Mike Barraclough, Gareth Foster, Mark Savage, Mike Terry, Alan Roe, Colin Ferris, Ian Kelly, Dave Kenny with Tecsun AN-200 MW loop, Stephen Howie, Steven Overall, Stuart Heathcock, Alan Pennington).

** When sending an email [at] should be replaced with the @ symbol. Email addresses are shown this way on our web site to deter spam.

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Page updated 23 Jan 25